Formerly Angela Johnson Insurance Agency. SAME Owner, SAME Team, SAME Location…New Name 

The Good, the Bad, and the Discounts of Using Telematics

The good, the bad, and the discounts of telematics

The Good, the Bad, and the Discounts of Using Telematics

When it comes to modern car insurance, gone are the days of generic premiums based solely on age, gender, and driving history. Today, insurance carriers are turning to telematics programs to tailor policies to individual drivers, promising rewards for safe driving habits while raising questions about privacy and fairness.

Understanding Telematics:

Telematics programs are revolutionizing the insurance industry by harnessing real-time data from your vehicle to assess your driving habits. These programs operate on an opt-in basis, offering insurers a deeper insight into how you drive, when you drive, and where you drive. This data is then used to calculate premiums, potentially offering discounts to drivers who exhibit safe driving behaviors.

How Telematics Works:

Telematics car insurance programs collect data to rate your driving safety and/or track your mileage. The programs gather information related to how you drive, when you drive, and where you drive to calculate your risk level. If you pose a lower risk of an accident than the average driver, you can save money on your auto insurance premiums. Some programs even utilize smartphone apps to track your phone use while driving, providing additional insights into your behavior behind the wheel. 

The Good:

For safe and conscientious drivers, telematics programs can be a boon. By enrolling in these programs, you have the opportunity to showcase your responsible driving habits and potentially secure lower insurance premiums as a reward. For those who clock fewer miles, avoid risky maneuvers, and drive during safer times of the day, telematics can translate into significant savings on their insurance bills.

Moreover, telematics programs aren’t just about cost savings; they can also serve as a valuable tool for self-improvement behind the wheel. By receiving feedback on your driving behaviors, you can identify areas for improvement and strive to become an even safer driver.

The Bad:

Despite the potential benefits, telematics programs have raised valid concerns, particularly regarding privacy. The thought of your insurance company monitoring your every move on the road might understandably make some drivers uneasy. There’s a worry that this data could be misused or shared with third parties without consent, raising serious privacy implications. Additionally, there’s a fear that telematics data could be used against drivers, leading to increased premiums if certain driving habits are flagged as risky or unsafe.

Furthermore, telematics programs may not be suitable for everyone. Drivers with longer commutes, those who frequently drive at night, or individuals who regularly encounter heavy traffic might find their premiums increasing rather than decreasing with telematics. For these drivers, the potential savings might not outweigh the perceived intrusion into their privacy or the risk of higher premiums.

The Discounts:

When you sign up for a telematics program, you’ll usually get an enrollment discount, which may be five to 10%. You will either download an app or receive a telematics device in the mail. During the first policy period, the company will collect information on your driving habits.

When it’s time to renew your policy, you’ll see whether you qualify for a discount based on your driving habits and how steep your discount will be. Some programs require you to keep the tracking device installed at all times to maintain a discount. Others track your driving habits for one policy period and apply the discount to all future periods.


To get the best discount, you generally must:

– Avoid rush-hour and nighttime driving

– Have below-average mileage

– Avoid harsh braking and cornering

– Avoid quick acceleration

Drivers who see the best discounts may include stay-at-home parents, remote workers, retirees, and gentle drivers.

Is Telematics Right for You?

Ultimately, the decision to enroll in a telematics program boils down to personal preference and individual circumstances. If you prioritize cost savings and are confident in your safe driving habits, telematics could be a smart choice. However, if privacy concerns or the potential for increased premiums outweigh the benefits, you may prefer to opt for a more traditional insurance policy.

As the use of telematics continues to grow, it’s crucial for drivers to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making a decision. By understanding how these programs work and evaluating their own driving habits, drivers can make informed choices that align with their needs and preferences.

In conclusion, telematics programs represent a significant shift in the insurance landscape, offering both opportunities and challenges for drivers. By navigating the complexities of these programs thoughtfully, drivers can harness the potential discounts while mitigating concerns about privacy and fairness. Whether telematics is ultimately the right choice for you depends on a variety of factors, but with careful consideration, it can be a valuable tool for saving money and improving your driving experience.


P.S. Our agency was established in 2005, and we’ve never seen anything like this crazy insurance market before. To help, we started a LOCAL FACEBOOK GROUP to give our clients and community tips on how to get the best value on their insurance during this crazy market. 

FYI – The group is a marketing-free zone! It’s only to help navigate renewals, claims, answer questions and provide value.


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Caroline Johnson, SBCS


The Good, the Bad, and the Discounts Using Telematics


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